Monday, December 15, 2014

Gentle AUTUMN - large autumn oil painting on canvas. Valery Rybakow

Gentle AUTUMN - large autumn oil painting on canvas.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Gentle autumn - large autumn oil painting. Artist Rybakow.

Hello. A long time I did not put their new oil paintings. And now waking up early in the morning and doing yoga, I quickly sat down at the computer. I want to tell you about a new large-format paintings. Now I do not remember the size of painting is likely: 60 x 144 centimeters. I do not often write large-format paintings. But to tell you why I wrote this painting. The fact that I had a period in paintings when I was writing alone autumn landscapes. I plunged into the fall, I would like to know the fall and penetrate its secrets. I wrote a painting after painting. And in these paintings was depicted various autumn: autumn landscape in the forest, autumn by the river, on the edge of autumn, autumn landscape city, namely in a lonely autumn city park. And as the end of his "fall season" I decided to make it a great autumn painting.
New autumn landscape turned unusual for me. I wanted to write it not as usual favorite palette knife. I wrote this autumn landscape brushes. Only in some places, I put the autumn foliage palette knife. And this new painting turned out in unusual gentle. That word "gentles" comes to my mind when I look at this big painting. I'm glad I discovered the beautiful autumn in a new way, with a gentle her. Artist Valery Rybakow
Gentle autumn - large autumn oil painting. Artist Rybakow.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Autumn knife painting: Beginning of autumn on river.

Artist Valery Rybakow. Painting: "Beginning of autumn on river" oil on canvas, palette knife. In 2014.
Video about oil painting: "Beginning of autumn on river" here:

Looks like an autumn palette knife oil painting "Beginning of autumn on river" in the rooms here:

Thank you for your interest in the new autumn oil painting on canvas: Beginning of autumn on river.
Your artist Valery Rybakow

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Abstract Oil Painting: My heart is wide open.

Abstract Oil Painting: My heart is wide open.

New Abstract Oil Painting: My heart is wide open.

Абстрактная картина маслом: Распахну свое сердце настежь. Холст, масло, мастихин.

Абстрактная картина маслом: Распахну свое сердце настежь. Холст, масло, мастихин.

Распахну свое сердце настежь - абстрактная картина написана маслом и мастихином на холсте. Художник Валерий Рыбаков.

О том, почему такое название носит картина и как она родилась - читайте в галерее художника:


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Friday, June 6, 2014

Master Class Oil Painting: How to paint portrait from photograph. | КАРТИНЫ МАСЛОМ. Художник Рыбаков. ГАЛЕРЕЯ КАРТИН МАСЛОМ И МАСТИХИНОМ

Master Class Oil Painting: How to paint portrait from photograph. | КАРТИНЫ МАСЛОМ. Художник Рыбаков. ГАЛЕРЕЯ КАРТИН МАСЛОМ И МАСТИХИНОМ

Как рисовать портрет по фотографии. | КАРТИНЫ МАСЛОМ. Художник Рыбаков. ГАЛЕРЕЯ КАРТИН МАСЛОМ И МАСТИХИНОМ

Как рисовать портрет по фотографии. | КАРТИНЫ МАСЛОМ. Художник Рыбаков. ГАЛЕРЕЯ КАРТИН МАСЛОМ И МАСТИХИНОМ

Full master class oil painting How to paint portrait from photograph"

How to paint portrait from photograph? Is very easy, you can learn how to paint portrait from photograph. I advise you to read my long article this tutorial with lots of detailed pictures of the link: I have prepared for you in this video Full master class oil painting How to paint portrait from photograph". Over 60 minutes I tell and show in detail how to paint portrait painting of a blank canvas from photograph. In this master class painting we will paint a portrait from a photograph using a palette knife, rags, and most importantly your fingers! In this master class on creating a portrait from photo I tell what colors we use when writing a particular area of ​​the body . Overall I think was a good and informative master class.

 Artist Valery Rybakow

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Flower Painting Bouquet Spring FLOWERS. Price: $340.

Flower Painting Bouquet Spring FLOWERS. Price: $370.
Exclusive oil paintings from $ 95 directly from the artist's studio Valery Rybakow.

Action only on the site of the artist buy real oil painting on canvas and get free shipping + a personal certificate + catalog paintings.

Link to the artist best prices only on the official website:

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Painting "Flower meadow delicate flowers" Price: $ 370

Painting "Flower meadow delicate flowers" Price: $ 370.
Exclusive oil paintings from $ 95 directly from the artist's studio Valery Rybakow.

Action only on the site of the artist buy real oil painting on canvas and get free shipping + a personal certificate + catalog paintings.

Link to the artist best prices only on the official website:

Flower Painting: Flower meadow delicate flowers.

New Painting for SALE


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